Artist statement on Watermark:
The word flood appears in thick solid letters, styled in a san serif font, with only the top third showing, like a headline literally going under. The title Watermark means both a mark showing the height to which water has risen, and a design impressed into paper which is visible when held to the light, guaranteeing authenticity. Giving weight to words, and seeing letters as sculptural forms, mirrors the ways we make thought concrete. Our words become shapes which reflect the energies we speak, and the ideas and passions which they contain.
Watermark for Sylt, Germany, 2003. Powder-coated steel. Permanent installation. Commissioned though Galerie Seippel, Cologne. Photograph © Galerie Seippel
(c) Richard Tipping All text and images are copyright and protected by international legislation. See the Copyright page for more information. For permission to use any of these materials please see Contact page