i love you more than a tree full of frogs or

a bursting creek, because you hear loud ants

the scrape of shaving and the sea

making love with rocks.

you leave rainforests where you walk –

parrots and pythons, intricate orchids

slipping from your freckled shoulders

like embroidered gowns.

you don't stop when it stops.

i'm axle to your wheel: careering magpies,

mottled doves, quick flapping away

from the first car for hours


Veil's and illusions'

reverie. She has dreamed

herself here

for the photograph

to take itself

like an actor is, a sparkler,

illuminating souls.

the literal and the transcendental

working together –

the quality of daring

amplifying the decisive moment

swelling light

the window changing as you move.

the constant ability

to be surprised –

just watching

the discovered forms

light: tonality: frame

to reveal and amplify

the breaking of even space

selection: observation: isolation

the juxtaposition of wonder –

the rainbow in black & white –

you don't expose pictures

you expose yourself

Bia. Photograph copyright Robert McFarlane 1978

On Photography starts as an ekphrasis on Robert McFarlane's photograph 'Bia', and utilises phrases from conversations between poet and photographer, reaching for definitives.

Cover of UQP edition 1986. Artwork by Neil Taylor.









(c) Richard Tipping  All text and images are copyright and protected by international legislation. See the Copyright page for more information.    For permission to use any of these materials please see Contact page.