In 1997 the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade commissioned a large-scale temporary artwork for Australia House in London, as a part of the festival NewStart: Australia and Britain into the Twentyfirst Century. The lightwork was attached to the front of the building for thirty days between November and December, when the days begin darkening from 3pm. Made of laser-cut perspex, edged with ropelight, attached to a fine wire grid tensioned between the columns on the Ambassador's balcony. A microphone on the balcony picked up the varying volume of traffic noise on the busy turn from Aldwich into the Strand caused variation in brightness.

The perspex letters edged with ropelight were returned in a tangle from Australia House in London.
Fixed into an arrangement on a plywood board, these compiled letters are now in the collection of Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery.
Two large lightboxes with the day and nighttime images show complete this work.
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