Wine Talk, 2014
Four galvanized steel poles, each with six aluminium blade signs. Reflective vinyl tape with tasty words from Australian wine reviews, both imagined and poetically adapted.
A sign sculpture in four parts © Richard Tipping 2014. Artist statement:
"Taste (including aroma) can be a very personal and intense experience.
Wine Talk plays with the often luscious and exotic language of wine reviews, where tastes are told by wine loving poets through delicious words sounded on the tongue.
Wine Talk continues my exploration of phrases on a particular theme which combine together in self-reflective iterations, using the formula of multiple signs on a single pole.
You sometimes see these kinds of 'finger' signs in Australia as a tourist amusement, pointing to famous cities and local highlights and telling the distances.
I have designed four signs, so that a space between them can be activated by their placement, within sight but out of reading distance from each other. This encourages the viewer to walk and meanwhile enjoy the thought of rich deep tasty phrases rolling around in their mouth."
(c) Richard Tipping All text and images are copyright and protected by international legislation. See the Copyright page for more information. For permission to use any of these materials please see Contact page.