(c) Richard Tipping All text and images are copyright and protected by international legislation. See the Copyright page for more information. For permission to use any of these materials please see Contact page.

AIRPOET, 1979 Manipulated roadsign in Adelaide, South Australia. The first of the Roadsigned series.
Artist statement:
"With the AIRPOET sign, I went out at midnight and climbed onto the roof of my car -- on a busy industrial road near where I was then living -- and traced the 'R' of AIRPORT, and went home to my supply of reflective tape (yes, I'd bought some scraps from a sign company) and made an 'E' in that typeface, and put it onto a rectangle of blue of the right size. Then I drove back -- by now it was 2 or 3 am -- and carefully placed this onto the sign. It was anonymous, and of course illegal. The next day when going by I was shocked to see how wonderful it looked. Suddenly the mundane road carried a sign to the heavens. This 'interrupted' sign lasted for more than six months before being 'fixed', and was accepted as a local gesture. I know this because one day I was photographing the sign and a man was walking past -- wearing blue overalls, a box of lunches from the deli for his workmates under his arm -- and he said: "Photographing the sign, are you?". I said "Yes, know anything about it?". "It's a worker's Christmas present", he said.