This is a rough draft only - looking at art activities by place
AGNSW 2017 Finalist in the Sulman Prize with Kangooroo
Sculpture at Barangaroo 2017 with Kangooroo
AGNSW - collections purchase 2015 including Unsafe Art, Whispering Fence
Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi - ten times between 1998 and 2016
State Library of NSW 2013-14 with Hearth staircase installation
Harbour Sculpture exhibition 2014 and 2015
Home Sweet Home - public art commissioned for Landcom, Western Sydney, 2013
Australian Galleries exhibitions Only Emotion Endures 2008, Studio 2012 and
Instant History 2017
Customs House Sydney 2011 Off the Page solo exhibition with lightboxes
Sydney Opera House 2003 Exit Strategy solo exhibition
AGNSW 1996 Multiple Pleasures survey exhibition
Biennale of Sydney 1992 Road Works and Form 1 Planet installations
AGNSW Shifting Ground 1989
AGNSW Imaginaction 1988
Watters Gallery 1973 - Soft Riots with Aleks Danko
Mok 1969 link to Writing / Edited / Poetry
AGSA - collection includes Moonday, The Eternal Question, Stumbling Block
Greenaway Art Gallery exhibitions 2002 and 2007
Swerve: Art Fence, Adelaide Showgrounds, 2008 (permanent)
The Eternal Question, 1982 for the Adelaide Festival - permanent in Light Square
Airpoet, 1979 - links to Signed Signs; example in collection AGSA from 2021
Dearth at Flinders 1979 - links to Public Art
The Everlasting Stone 1978 - exhibition at the Adelaide Festival Centre Gallery
Friendly Street Poets co-founder 1975, with Andrew Taylor and Ian Reid
UCK exhibition with Aleks Danko at Llewellyn Galleries 1970
Brisbane and Queensland
GOMA QAG works in collection include Copyright small granite
Powerhouse Centre for the Live Arts Signed, artsigns installed in precinct 2001,
updated and replaced in 2020
Powerhouse Centre for the Live Arts, Watermark, steel sculpture, 2000 (permanent),
repainted in 2020
Qld Uni Art Museum - collection incl Breakfast Biscuits (ex Ray Hughes exhib) 1981
Fryer Library collection, works including Domestic Hardcore type manuscript, ref UQP poetry books in 1972, 1975, 1986; also The Sydney Morning folios
HOTA (Home of the Arts, Surfers Paradise) has sculptures and a photograph
Canberror lawn work, 40 metres wide, as part of Contour 566 public art, 2018
National Gallery of Australia, collection includes sculptures Smothered neon, No Understanding artsign, Stone Cold Sober (an Everlasting Stone). Links to Public Art,
links to Collections, links to Sculpture
National Film Sound Archives - originals and files of Writers Talking documentaries
National Library - holds most correspondence, manuscripts, etc
ADFA Library of University of NSW - holds significant manuscripts
Art Lifts - Lifting Art, installation in the National Gallery lifts, 1999
Alphabet Soup in Lake Burley Griffin, 1978, for Performance Art festival
Heide MoMA: major donation of sculptures and prints in 2018. Includes Breathe
Wreathe, Queueueue, Hearth (180 x 180cm, blue pearl granite tiles on stainless
steel rails), Sea Song, and various artsigns
Heide MoMA - incl in exhibitions Words on Walls and Born to Concrete, 2013; major works in collection donated in 2018 include Hearth tiles, Breathe Wreathe, Sea Song
Federation Square - installation of artsigns - 2010
Australian Galleries - solo exhibition Hearth, 2009
Frankston City Council - installation of lawnwork Hearth in 2008
Charles Nodrum Gallery - included in various text art exhibitions
NGV - works in collection include the Sydney Morning folios 1 and 2
Art Allergy, exhibition with Alex Selenitsch, Rhumbarellas Gallery, 1994
Australian Sculpture Triennale 1993 (directed by David Hansen)
Australian Sculpture Triennale 1983 (directed byTom McCullough)
Word Works 2 solo exhibition at Powell Street Gallery, 1980
Lake Macquarie
Morning, basalt sculpture 2007, installed in garden 2017
Hear the Art lightboxes and perspex/ropelight letters on table, donated 2015
Hear the Art / Earth Heart ground artwork made of bricks, commissioned 1996
Art Transit exhibition 2004 - commissioned sign Artwork, in two types
Multiple Choice - survey exhibition 2007
Sounding Silence, commissioned sculpture in Cataract Gorge, 1996
Hobart and Tasmania
Sounding Silence commissioned granite sculpture in Cataract Gorge, 1998
Southern Crossing for Anzart 1983 -- lightwork on the Organ Pipes, Mt Wellington
Collection in Tasmanian Art Gallery including RROR and Radio
Artists in the Field, with Tim Storrier and Frank Hodgkinson, Arnmehland 1993
MAGNT collection includes a series of drawings, and assemblage wallworks
Maitland Art Gallery
Works in collection include The Relative (large wall version), three frottage series, artsigns including Prepare to Shop, Artwork, 3 Hour Barking
New York
MoMA Store - representation in store and online from 2007 to 2017
MoMA Print Department includes fifty Sydney Morning prints, and the MoMA Library includes the Sign Here box, each donated by Mel Meehan Oldenburg.
Street Talk solo exhibition at Banning Gallery, 2003
Versions solo exhibition at Ubu Gallery, 1998-1999
Hear the Art neon lightwork, commission for Mel Meehan Oldenburg 1998
British Museum, 56 prints in collection (donated in 2015)
Tate Modern artsign sales 2009 to 2012
Eagle Gallery, solo exhibition Hear the Art in 1997
Kassel - Work Art Work 2015 - various sign installations, see details on site
Signs installation for Piazza, 1999
Exhibition at Guggenheim store 2003
Multiples published by Artikel Editionen: Openotherend clock, 1999; Openotherend watch, 2010; concrete poetry coasters (set), 2017
Included in exhibition at Seippel Gallery 2002
Included in exhibition organised by Galerie Seippel, 2002
Commission for Watermark, 2003 (permanent)

(c) Richard Tipping All text and images are copyright and protected by international legislation. See the Copyright page for more information. For permission to use any of these materials please see Contact page