Family history

With artist Mazie Karen Turner (1954-2014) Richard Kelly Tipping has three children (Kai Tipping, Jasper, Grace Turner) and four grandchildren.

Tipping's father Richard Michael Tipping (1922-1979) was a doctor, practicing as a general practitioner until becoming a dermatologist in the late 1950s. Michael practised for many years in Adelaide, and later in Nambour and Imbil in Queensland. In the Second World War he joined the Air Force aged 18 and served for four years in Malaya and Borneo, flying in Beaufort Fighters. He played flute. Born in Adelaide, his father's family had owned a coffee plantation in India (see below).

Tipping's mother Barbara Gertrude Tipping nee Kelly (1921-2001) was born in Adelaide. She worked as a social worker, specialising in mastectomy and multiple sclerosis. She played piano. Her enthusiasm for life was endless. Barbara had previously been engaged to John Walters, whose fighter plane was shot down during the first Japanese aerial attacks in the Pacific near Australia. She worked during the war in Melbourne, and married Michael in 1946.

Tipping's sister Susan Christine Macnamara nee Tipping (1946-2005) worked as a gerontologist, and her research lead to the foundation of the 'mens' shed' movement in Victoria. Tipping's brother Nicholas Michael Tipping practiced as both a general nurse and as a specialist psychiatric nurse. His half-sister Melissa Pearce nee Tipping was a senior nurse for many years. Tipping commented in the poem Family Days that" there's not a medical bone in this body / not stuck in a limbo / of unnameable doubt".

Richard Tipping's grandparents each lived in Adelaide. Two were direct immigrants (from the Isle of Man and from India via England); one was the daughter of Scottish immigrants; and one was from a family which migrated to South Australia in the 1850s. A hundred and sixty years seems a long time and yet it's only six or seven generations.


James Stanley Kelly (1890-1971) migrated from the Isle of Man, where two of his grandparents were Danish with the surname Christian. Family lore says they were related to the family of Fletcher Christian. James Kelly became a senior manager with the Bank of Adelaide, and an ace golfer.


Gertrude Muriel Kelly nee Parnell (1889-1975) - her family came to South Australia from England in the 1850s. Family lore says that Gertrude was related to Charles Parnell the Irish statesman. Her father died young after falling from a horse when it was scared by a snake at their property near Gawler. Gertrude's mother remarried, to a cad (a Hardy) who gambled away everything leaving her family in poverty.

English via India

Oswald Samuel Tipping (1875-1947) grew up in Coorg in south-west India, where his father Samuel Tipping was born on the family's coffee plantation. Oswald became manager of Elders Trustees, Adelaide, and grew the company. He died at 71 of tuberculosis, with his hair still black. Oswald played clarinet.

The Tipping's family background was in Lancashire, and records go back to the 1300s. One of Oswald's brothers, Llewellyn, worked in Kenya as a park ranger. Richard Tipping's great uncle Percy Glover Tipping sold the plantation in Coorg in around 1926. It can be visited today, as there is now a hotel on the property, which still produces coffee. The photograph shows the Tipping's house on the estate in a photograph from the 1920s.


Esther Abercrombie (c 1882-1962) was born in Melbourne to a mother from Dundee. She played viola in the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra before marrying Oswald Tipping. Esther and Oswald lived in a large terrace house in the Adelaide suburb of Gilberton. Unfortunately late in life the steep stairs lead to her death by falling.

Oswald Samuel Tipping circa 1903

Seal showing Tipping family crest: a T composed of a mailed arm and hand holding a scroll of paper. Pressed wax from a gold seal ring, belonging to Michael Tipping, now lost. Scanned and enhanced.

This part of the site is personal family history, not assumed to be of general interest. Thinking about what it means being Australian, as part of a nation of immigrants alongside the original people. I am a hybrid. Humans have rolled over each others' turf for countless yonks, interacted and sparked. There is no single history or herstory except that which invention furnishes.

Medals of Michael Tipping, from service in the RAAF (Air Force) in the Pacific War of WW2, flying in Beaufort Fighters in Malaya and Borneo. Michael survived a jungle crash, but suffered from diseases including malaria and beri-beri. Like many men fighting in the tropics, this shortened his life.

Below is part of his obituary from the Australasian Journal of Dermatology , Volume 21 (1) – Apr 1, 1980.

Richard Kelly Tipping 2003









(c) Richard Tipping  All text and images are copyright and protected by international legislation. See the Copyright page for more information.    For permission to use any of these materials please see Contact page                 

Some documents of Michael Tipping